Inclusive jobs and education for refugees and host communities-PROSPECTS
TOR Title Mapping the Jordanian Standard Classification of Occupations version 2004 (JSCO-2004) to the version 2021 (JSCO-2021)
Country Jordan
Project Code JOR/19/50/NLD - 107273
Duration From 15/06/2023 to 31/12/2023
Pillar: Education
Outcome: 05- Refugee, host community and other vulnerable groups access quality and market relevant education through strengthened systems
Output: 05.01- Increased market relevance and accessibility of education and training programmes for refugee, host community and other vulnerable youth
Activity / BL05.01.01- Nationally certified technical and vocational trainings apply targeting for vulnerable groups. Support standardisation of the national occupational standards development process
The forced displacement crisis has increased in scale and complexity in recent years. According to UNHCR, 79.5million people were forcibly displaced worldwide at the end of 20191. Forcibly displaced persons (FDPs), including refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) face specific vulnerabilities, including loss of assets and psychological trauma, limited rights, lack of opportunities, a protection risk as well as a risk to be out of school, and alack of planning horizon. In addition, the communities hosting FDPs also struggle to pursue their own development efforts. In response to the considerable challenges facing FDPs and host communities, a new partnership initiative titled: ‘PROSPECTS' Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons, was launched by the Government of the Netherlands, that brings together the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank. Through the PROSPECTS partnership, the five partner agencies aim to leverage their comparative advantages and areas of expertise to programme complementary and interdependent interventions that address education, employment, and protection challenges. The partnership spans eight countries, namely Egypt, Ethiopia,Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan, and Uganda and covers the period 2019-2023.
Through the Prospects partnership, the five partners aim to leverage their comparative advantages and areas of expertise to programme complementary and interdependent interventions that address three areas where challenges negatively affect the livelihoods and well-being of Jordanians, refugees, and other vulnerable groups: education, employment, and protection. Through an in-depth theory of change process, the combined efforts of the organizations will endeavour to bolster the medium- and longer-term development goals for Jordanians, refugees, and other vulnerable groups to access quality and market-relevant education; decent engagement, work and enterprise opportunities; and comprehensive protection systems, which will in turn support more sustainable livelihoods, in line with Jordan’s national plans. Integrated into the joint programme is systematic learning and knowledge management that will feed into future planning, the scaling up of innovative approaches, and ultimately transform the way partners respond to displacement crises. Under the Education pillar, Partners support initiatives that focus on strengthening the whole educational system, from capacitating teachers to providing basic education, life skills and Technical Vocational Education and Training. Of key importance in Jordan is ensuring ‘market relevant’ skills are supported in the late stages of the educational cycle.
The Jordanian government has placed tremendous emphasis on reforming the TVET sector, highlighting this objective within the 2016-2025 National Strategy for Human Resource Development (NSHRD). The strategy pays particular attention to strengthening the relevance of TVET through increasing private sector engagement in TVET governance through establishing national sector skills councils (NSSCs), improving TVET regulation, and addressing the widespread social stigma towards TVET. Major progress on the NSHRD has been achieved, including the establishment of the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC) in 2019. The TVSDC is a governance body affiliated to the Ministry of Labour (MoL). Under their broad mandate, the TVSDC and the NSSCs has a role relating to the developing occupational competency standards. The new system for developing the occupational standards- which was developed by ILO support- entails developing occupational mapping as a first step for developing the occupational standards. This mapping means identifying the occupations existed under each of economic sectors or sub sectors based on the Jordanian Standard Classification of Occupation (JSCO). The JSCO is also essential reference for MoL in its endeavour for employment services as JSCO is the occupational reference for the “National Employment Platform” and for the “National Employment Program”. Moreover, the JSCO is the occupational reference for different public entities in Jordan such as Social Security Corporation (SSC), Department of Statistics (DoS), and the Civil Bureau.
An occupational classification is a tool for organising jobs into a clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in the job. It is intended both for use in compiling statistics and for client-oriented uses such as the recruitment of workers through employment offices, the management of migration of workers between countries and the development of vocational training programmes and guidance. Standard occupational classifications normally consists of two components i) the classification system itself, which gives the guidelines on how jobs are to be classified into the most detailed groups of the classification and how these detailed groups are to be further aggregated into broader groups ii) a descriptive component, which usually consists of descriptions of the tasks and duties as well as other aspects of the jobs which belong to each of the defined groups, including goods and services produced, skill level and specialization, occupations included and excluded, entry restrictions, etc.
The Jordanian Standards Classification of Occupations (JSCO) was first introduced in 2004 as a tool for classifying occupations in Jordan according to a standard set of criteria. Since then, the JSCO has been used extensively by government agencies, private sector companies, and educational institutions for various purposes, including job matching, training, and workforce planning. JSCO 2004 was developed based on the International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO-88) and was a base for developing the Arab Standard Classification of Occupation (ASCO 2008). In 2021 and with ILO support, the JSCO 2004 has been revised and updated to reflect changes in the labour market and the emergence of new occupations. The Council of Ministers agreed to approve the Jordanian Standard Classification of Occupations (JSCO 2021), and consider it a national reference document, and oblige government agencies that produce and use labour market data and information to use the classification in all their work.
The objective of this assignment is to provide technical support to the Ministry of Labor in Jordan in mapping theJSCO-2004 to the version 2021 (JSCO-2021) with an aim to achieve the followings:
1. Ensure consistency and comparability of data for accuracy of analysis and decision-making, as well as to ensure efficacy of the labour market policies and programmes.
2. Improve the accuracy of occupational classifications for the different uses including job matching, skills development, and workforce planning.
3. Facilitate data sharing and integration across different sectors and organizations, which can improve coordination and collaboration among these organisations and sectors.
4. Reflect changes in the labor market landscape and support informed decision-making.
5. Ensure harmonization of occupational classification used by all official data providers in the country.
As stated above, JSCO serves as the occupational reference for the national occupational standards, the national employment service platform, and the national employment programme. Additionally, it is utilised by a variety of government agencies, including the Ministry of Labour, TVSDC, SSC, DoS, and the Civil Bureau. With the new version of JSCO-2021, the government oblige government agencies that produce and use labour market data and information to use the classification in all their work. However, the version utilised by these entities and services is JSCO- 2004 version, and there is a need to establish corresponding between the two versions of the JSCO.
Corresponding or mapping is generally represented in correspondence tables that show the relationship between the categories in one classification and those in another.
Upon MoL request, ILO will support establishing the correspondence between JSCO 2021 and JSCO 2004. For this purpose, ILO is seeking for a consultant who will collaborate closely with the ILO and MoL teams to perform the following tasks and activities:
• Conduct a desk review of the JSCO-2004 and JSCO-2021 to identify the differences and similarities between the two classifications.
• Develop a methodology and a set of tools for mapping the JSCO-2004 to the JSCO-2021, taking into consideration the changes in the labour market and the emerging occupations.
• Collect and analyse data on the occupations that are covered by both versions and identify the discrepancies in the classification of these occupations.
• Compare Sub-major groups, Secondary groups, and Unit Groups in both versions, Coding each group in the JSCO-2004 to the most appropriate group in JSCO-2021.
• Advise on necessary modifications, including adding or deleting job categories under the unit groups, and adjusting coding to include “skill level”; Prepare and submit the Correspondence tables.
• Work closely and support the IT company/consultants working on developing the digital interface for JSCO- 2021.
• Prepare reports on the progress and achievements of assignment.
• Methodology, tools, and work plan for mapping JSCO 2004 to JSCO 2021, to be submitted in both Arabic and English languages by 30th June 2023.
• Two-pager of inputs in Arabic by 30th June 2023 to the Consultant working on JSCO-2021 Digital Interface clarifying the requirements and the features to be included in the interface.
• Progress report in English by 30th September associated with following deliverables:
o Correspondence Table: JSCO-2021 to JSCO-2004
o Correspondence Table: JSCO-2004 to JSCO-2021 Both tables should be submitted in excel format and include the titles and codes of each JSCO versions to the seventh digits as per the templates below (Templates at Apply Button)
• Final report in English by 30th November 2023 that includes the methodology and tools used, the data collected and analysed, the final correspondence tables, and any other relevant information.
1. At least 5 years of experience in the field of TVET and labor market analysis.
2. Proven knowledge of the 2008 international standard classification of occupation and proven experience in working on Jordan’s national occupational classification. Working on JSCO is considered an asset.
3. Excellent analytical and research skills.
4. Ability to work independently and to meet deadlines.5. Excellent communication skills in English and Arabic.
The following documents/information are required to apply for this assignment:
1. Technical proposal including the work methodology, tools, and work plan.
2. Financial proposal showing the total number of working days and the fees per day.
3. Consultant CV
4. Work samples for similar assignments, if any.
The applicants must submit the proposed offer “Technical and Financial Proposals” in separate digital folders mentioning “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” on each digital folder so that the financial information could not be revealed before financial proposal opening. The two digital folders saved in one digital folder (zipped) with the title saved as the full name of the bidder, followed by the project title “Mapping the Jordanian Standard Classification of Occupations version 2004 (JSCO 2004) to the version 2021 (JSCO 2021)”, and the date of submission.
Applications should be submitted by email to Mr. Yasser Ali, (Email at Apply Button), and Ms. Ola Flaifel, (Email at Apply Button). Both financial and technical proposals should be valid for 90 days.
The deadline for submission of technical and financial proposals is 31st May 2023, 12.00 mid-nights.
deliverable / Instalment
First Payment: Around 25% of the total amount of the contract upon submission and validation by 30th June 2023 the methodology and tools for mapping JSCO2004 to JSCO 2021, and the two-pager inputs on the requirements for theJSCO-2021 digital interface, to the satisfaction of the ILO
Second Payment: Around 50% of the total amount of the contract by 30th September 2023 upon submission and validation of a progress report, as per ILO templates, associated with the two “Correspondence tables”, one correspondence table JSCO 2021 to JSCO 2004, and the other correspondence table JSCO2004 to JSCO 2021, to the satisfaction of the ILO
Third payment: Around 25% of the total amount of the contract by 30th November 2023 upon submission and validation of the final report, as per ILO templates, includes the methodology and tools used, the data collected and analysed, the final correspondence tables, comments on the work of JSCO-2021 digital interface, and any other relevant information, to the satisfaction of the ILO
TOTAL 100%
The tasks and deliverables under this assignment will be carried out under the direct supervision of the PROSPECTS Skills Technical Officer, in coordination with the Programmes of Support (PoS) CTA and National Officer. Overall guidance will be provided by the PROSPECTS Regional CTA, and overall technical review will also be provided by the Regional Skills Technical specialist.
All data and information received from ILO for this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference (TOR). The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the express advance written authorization of the ILO. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these TOR are assigned to the International Labour Organization. The intellectual property rights of the materials modified through the assignment remains with the International Labour Organization