Ronnie is a senior freelance TVET Consultant with forty years of international experience gained mainly in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Africa.
His main areas of expertise include:
Labour Market-led TVET Reform; Competence-based modular Curriculum Development incorporating Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria; Developing Occupational and Qualification Standards; Training of Trainers; TVET Policy; Career Guidance and Counselling; Stakeholder Engagement; TVET Institution Building including TVET Centres of Excellence/Competence; Training Needs Analysis (TNA); Functional Analysis and DACUM/SCID; Sectoral Skills Analysis; Adult Learning Methodologies (Andragogy); Marginalised Groups Advocacy; Lifelong Learning and Learning to Learn; Key Competencies Development; Work-Based Learning; Blended Learning; Project and Budget Management and Multi-Cultural Team Leadership.